Our Work

Our Work & Focus Areas

Our programs and services are rooted in the answers to three key questions:

  1. Where is there opportunity or need to advance systemic change aligned with our commitment to improving outcomes for students, adult learners and the workforce while ensuring equity of access to opportunity?
  2. What issues involve differing viewpoints or a history of contentious debate that would benefit from our particular expertise of helping policymakers and stakeholders find common ground to address complex issues of system or policy change?
  3. Can our organization’s and team’s previous work in and out of education and workforce development, our expertise or our network of partners help start, meaningfully contribute to or advance the conversation?

With a focus on opportunities to engage diverse stakeholders and advance system-level change, our partnerships and work falls generally into two categories:

Education or Workforce Programs that include the convening of a variety of stakeholders working to address specific policies or system; and

Direct Support for System Leaders through strategic consulting for senior leaders on change management and policy advancement and direct services including internal and external stakeholder engagement.

In 2023, CFEWP’s partnerships with state leaders and stakeholders are focused on three key areas of education systems:

The Educator Workforce: Systems & Policies to Recruit & Retain Great Teachers

K-12 Career Readiness: Educating for Tomorrow’s Needs & Opportunities

Workforce Development & Alignment: Partnerships for Skill Development to Meet Workforce Needs

Course & Program Access: Role of States & Local Officials Ensuring Equitable Access to Courses & Program

In addition, we will continue to respond to the needs of communities and state leaders through work tailored to local context, events and opportunities, including partnerships that align with the following:

State Vision & Priorities: Developing a shared vision in states & communities for public education broadly, definitions of “student success” and of specific policies or initiatives in workforce development. 

State Policies & Systems: Strategic consulting for state leaders in their efforts to engage stakeholders, explore emerging trends and national research and advance system-level change on specific policy areas or initiatives.

Our Focus Areas

CFEWP partners with state and local leaders nationally to help find common higher ground and improve outcomes for kids.

Educator Workforce

The CFEWP team has been leading conversations across the country about how to re-imagine the role of teacher and the educator workforce from educator preparation through career pathways.

Career Readiness

CFEWP's Career Readiness Initiative helps education leaders collaborate with the private sector to ensure students are exposed to a wide array of career paths and opportunities to develop the skills to succeed.

Instructional Innovations

We help leaders and communities advance bold changes to how educators deliver instruction and students learn to focus on improving outcomes for all students.

Opportunity Access

CFEWP helps leaders and communities ensure all students have equitable access to the full diversity of education programs, courses and opportunities.

Workforce Alignment

By bringing together workforce data and leaders with educators, families and the workforce, we help states and communities ensure K-12, post-secondary and job training programs are aligned with today's and tomorrow's workforce needs.

State Policies & Systems

CFEWP helps stakeholders and leaders design, advance and implement new systems with efficacy, fidelity and efficiency to advance their vision.

The Center for Education & Workforce Policy (CFEWP) is working at the forefront of efforts to expand access to quality education, align job-training opportunities with tomorrow’s workforce needs and plan for the challenges of an evolving global economy.