State Policies & Systems
State Policies & Systems
Drawing on our team’s decades experience working with state and local education leaders and at all levels of system change in education, CFEWP supports State Education Agency (SEA) officials across a broad spectrum of policy and system areas. CFEWP’s national experience with education policies, stakeholder engagement and working with SEAs uniquely positions us to serve as a trusted strategic advisor to state education chiefs and their teams, Governors, State Boards of Education (SBOEs), and workgroups or bodies responsible for solving complex issues in education.
SEAs and Chief State School Officers (CSSOs) are too-often caught in a balancing act – juggling dwindling resources, limited bandwidth and new education policies. Across the country, SEAs are being pushed to do more to drive change in K-12 education, with less. Our teams have worked with SEAs across the country on projects addressing a wide variety of challenges including policy design and advancement, implementing new policies, evaluating and improving internal structures, systems, operations and customer service. We couple our national perspective with our team’s on-the-ground experiences to help SEAs understand how policies are playing out in real schools and districts. And as our team spots trends across districts, it equips SEAs with national research and best practices.
CFEWP understands the challenges, opportunities, and realities when it comes to state policy and state systems, because our team members have worked with SEAs across the country to design, advance, and implement policy and system changes. We work with state leaders across the full continuum of change from goal setting, stakeholder engagement, and developing policy frameworks to planning for and managing comprehensive implementation plans including communications and systems for program monitoring, support, and continuous improvement.

Our Focus Areas
CFEWP partners with state and local leaders nationally to help find common higher ground and improve outcomes for kids.
Educator Workforce
The CFEWP team has been leading conversations across the country about how to re-imagine the role of teacher and the educator workforce from educator preparation through career pathways.
Career Readiness
CFEWP's Career Readiness Initiative helps education leaders collaborate with the private sector to ensure students are exposed to a wide array of career paths and opportunities to develop the skills to succeed.
Instructional Innovations
We help leaders and communities advance bold changes to how educators deliver instruction and students learn to focus on improving outcomes for all students.
Opportunity Access
CFEWP helps leaders and communities ensure all students have equitable access to the full diversity of education programs, courses and opportunities.
Workforce Alignment
By bringing together workforce data and leaders with educators, families and the workforce, we help states and communities ensure K-12, post-secondary and job training programs are aligned with today's and tomorrow's workforce needs.
State Policies & Systems
CFEWP helps stakeholders and leaders design, advance and implement new systems with efficacy, fidelity and efficiency to advance their vision.